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-10 kilograms + healthier liver

P.Petrov, Pleven 06.08.2019

Thanks to the diet and supplements I received from Maya, I was able to lose 10 pounds in 3 months and the best was that I kept the result and learned how to live healthier, how to choose the right food for me and respect my body. Maya's approach was entirely individual, in line with my desire to leave in my regime some favorite temptations, such as the traditional Bulgarian brandy evening and a glass of white wine. I have learned to balance what is good and most importantly to improve my health. I had problematic liver, high cholesterol and heartburn. I couldn't drink much water a day and had no physical activity. Thanks to Maya's advice, we quickly put the liver back to normal without drastic deprivation and improved the other blood counts. For six months, things have normalized. I started to take the time to move more and to be more intelligent about my health, thanks to Maya and therefore, I will always be grateful :).

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