Mistake # 1: You exclude useful fats from your menu
The secret of healthy eating lies in its diversity! All drastic measures, restrictions and exhausting diets inevitably lead you back to your starting position, which is demotivating.
Many diets exclude fat, but monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are actually healthy! Monounsaturated are important for the body because they keep the levels of "good" HDL cholesterol high. You can get them by consuming avocados, olives, nuts and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are divided into two groups - omega 3 and omega 6. They are contained in sunflower, corn, soybean oil, nuts, some marine fish, flax and chia seeds and more. It is very important to note that the secret of balanced eating is in the ratio! That is, you should be careful about the combination of omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3, because excessive intake of one type can lead to poor absorption of the other species in the body, which in turn can lead to inflammatory processes in the body.
Tip: The disturbed balance of excessive fat intake is due to the frequent consumption of industrially processed foods, which are practically contained in all packaged foods. It is important to distinguish between useful and harmful fats - for example, trans fats that are not healthy for the body but unfortunately consist of many modern foods.
Strive for balance! Reduce your omega-6 intake and increase your omega-3 fatty acid intake.
Mistake # 2: You exclude carbohydrates from your menu
Carbohydrates affect the proper functioning of the brain, central nervous system, as well as the muscular system. They also regulate hunger hormones. In simple terms, they are divided into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose, and galactose) are water soluble and easily absorbed by the body. Most of the carbohydrates are consumed as sugar, made from sugar beet, in the composition of various sugary foods and drinks. These products lead to a feeling of satiety and block the secretion of gastric juices. Difficult -
It is recommended that carbohydrates make up about 40% of your daily calorie balance. The other 60% is nice to be split between protein and fat at 40:20 or 30:30. It is curious that recent studies have shown the following: in people who do NOT consume carbohydrates for 14 days, their metabolism slows down by 47%.
Tip: Don't give up carbs completely! Try to consume at least 50 grams of carbohydrates on two consecutive days throughout the week.
The source of carbohydrates are: fruits and fruit juices, sugars and honey, milk, bread, potatoes, cereals, legumes.
Mistake # 3: You exclude spices from your menu
Another mistake that is often made is neglecting spices - intentionally or not. In fact, they are an important part of a healthy diet because they have a very beneficial effect on the process of energy release and absorption. Some of them speed up metabolism, others control blood glucose levels, while others can help reduce body fat. Turmeric, for example, has anti-inflammatory functions for the body, regulates blood sugar levels, blood fat levels, and fat oxidation. Cinnamon and kimonos promote fat burning, carnation contains eugenol and promotes insulin resistance. In addition, it is also a powerful weapon against various inflammations in the body. Another priceless spice is basil. It has many benefits for the body! Strengthens the structure of cellular DNA structures, eliminates inflammation in the body, improves the function of the heart and more.
Tip: Consider including spices in your daily menu. The idea is to add a pinch of cinnamon and cloves to your morning coffee, thus speeding up your metabolism, or to your favorite meal to add a pinch of your favorite spice, thus making your food more flavorful and healthy!
Mistake # 4: You do NOT consume enough protein
As you know, proteins are essential building blocks for the proper functioning of the body! They influence the building of muscles, skin, bones, hair and nails.
If you include at least 15 grams of protein in your daily menu for each meal, you will reduce your appetite and increase your metabolism. High protein intake has been shown to have a positive effect on hormones that are closely linked to weight regulation.
Tip: If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to focus on those foods that are protein sources and increase your water intake. This will limit your calorie intake. A number of studies show that by increasing protein consumption by 30%, a person decreases their daily calorie balance by 441 calories! Make a list of your favorite protein sources and focus on them.
Mistake # 5: You forget about fiber
What are they important for? Fiber promotes digestion and proper metabolism. They also increase the feeling of satiety! They give skin radiance, keep the heart healthy and regulate blood sugar levels - these are just a few of the beneficial properties! Some of the foods high in fiber are: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red beets, carrots, onions, apricots, apples, pears, bananas, raspberries, blackberries, avocados, nuts, bran and whole grains, and peas , lentils, green beans.
Tip: Experts advise the daily intake of fiber to be 20 - 30 grams. Breakfast, or afternoon meals, and why not both are great times for getting fiber. Do not skip breakfast and limit yourself to 3 meals a day! Between meals, you can get yourself a daily dose of fiber that will satiate and energize you.
More helpful tips for keeping a healthy and balanced diet:
- Set your achievable real goals - short and long term! The goal you set is directly related to how it will be fulfilled. The goal can be weekly or monthly, activity-oriented or results-oriented. If you struggle with this task, you can rely on our team of specialists to determine together what results you want and how you can achieve them.
- Eat frequently, with smaller portions and varied! - Proper nutrition does not include excess tension and stress for the body, as well as undergoing exhausting diets! The process must be smooth and, of course, desirable.
- Forget about the fast-tempted processed foods! - Avoid refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners and hidden sugar. Do not drink natural fruit juices and carbonated drinks, because they do not contain any useful ingredients, and their consumption is an enemy of any diet!
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