It is difficult for a person to be productive during the day if he is deprived of quality sleep at night. Relaxing rituals at bedtime have been proven to soothe the mind and body. If you make them habits, they can not only facilitate the process of falling asleep, but also make your night more peaceful. We give you 3 of them! Recognize them as your own, perform them regularly, and we are sure you will enjoy a sound sleep, a brisk morning and a productive day.
Build healthy eating habits
One of the most important factors influencing good sleep is food. Your eating habits play a significant role in how well you sleep, especially important in the later hours just before bedtime. A full stomach slows digestion and therefore the whole process of a healthy sleep. It is important that the dinner be in small quantities and not be too heavy. Try to make light meals for dinner by excluding spicy or sour foods as they can cause stomach problems and discomfort.
Specialists recommend avoiding excessive fluid drinking before bedtime, as this can lead to swelling and frequent midnight joints in the toilet. Coffee consumption after 19 hours should also be avoided because, as you know, caffeine has an effect on the nervous system. It is also important to avoid all other caffeine-containing products such as chocolate and sodas before bedtime.
Ideas for a light dinner to ensure a peaceful night's sleep: salad, soup, chicken, or turkey steak, fish, vegetables. Choose healthy recipes according to your taste, but look to be gentle on the stomach. According to nutritionists, sleep can be improved if a person consumes the following foods: grapes, cottage cheese, oats, peanuts.
Create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere
Change the bedroom environment so that it is predisposed to sleep. Consider moving, cleaning things to make the room more welcoming and harmonious, comforting. Also look out for the room temperature. According to experts, it should be 19 degrees. The fact is that too cold or too warm a bedroom degrades the quality of sleep!
Ideas for creating a relaxing, relaxing atmosphere: Think of dim lights - a night light or a salt lamp. You can also rely on aromatherapy. Choose calming herbs or oils that are beneficial to the nervous system and help you relax. These are lavender, cedarwood, jasmine, orange oil. They predispose to restful sleep. It's also a good idea to choose quiet, relaxing music that sounds like the background before falling asleep.
For a complete rest in the bedroom it is necessary to remove all sorts of distracting technical devices - phones, tablets, TV. Studies show that technology and time spent on screen seriously affect sleep and cause discomfort. By dark, the human body produces melatonin. Creating this chemical signals to our brain that it is night time and then we start to become drowsy.
But when we look at the bright screen, the production of melatonin slows down, making it impossible for us to fall asleep. Therefore, it is important to avoid looking at any screen before going to bed, as this may provoke your mind to stay awake and you may not be able to sleep for long periods of time.
Find something that will keep you relaxed
Everyone has a different way of setting themselves to rest. You can try different techniques and see which one will work for you. A great means of relaxing is a hot tub or shower. Usually, falling asleep is associated with an increase in body temperature, and by raising it artificially, you will help your body adjust to sleep. And the bathroom also eliminates the accumulated stress!
If you take a bath, you can add scents to the water that will pamper your senses. However, it is important to avoid those that are full of perfumes and chemicals because they can irritate your skin. Bet on natural scents, many are on the market now! Those like chamomile and lavender work best.
Another good idea is sleep meditation. You may find different techniques to perform against the background of quiet, prepositional music. This will get rid of anxious feelings and thoughts and can help you switch to rest mode.
If you continue to suffer from insomnia even though you have created sleeping rituals, this could definitely be a signal for some health problem and you may need to consult a doctor, diet, or body detox
Take note, maybe your body wants to tell you something ...
More ideas for getting a good night's sleep
It is an undeniable fact that people who exercise regularly improve the symptoms of insomnia. Physical activity will help you sleep better at night and feel more productive during the day. The more vigorous you are, the more benefits you will find for yourself. But even light exercise - like walking, for just 10 minutes a day can improve sleep quality. It may take several months of regular activity before experiencing the full effects of sleep stimulation, but the results will be available. So be patient and focus on building habits for regular exercise.
This is a great tool for eliminating fatigue, relaxation and setting the body to rest and rest. There are different energy points throughout the body that, if stimulated properly, can make you relax and feel great.
Tea before bedtime
Chamomile, hops and rooibos tea are great types that will help you relax and improve your sleep quality. And if you combine it with a hot bath and a massage, sleep and full sleep are guaranteed. You may also drink a warm glass of milk at bedtime because it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which has a very soothing effect. In addition, milk contains a large amount of calcium, which helps the brain regulate melatonin, regulate the sleep cycle.
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