You must have heard that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Well, what is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle?
A Healthy Lifestyle and Habits
At the base of every way of living lie your habits. These are those automated actions that you do without even realizing that you are doing them. They allow you to be productive and do not burden your brain with thousands of questions at every moment, where you have to react in a certain way, because the reaction has already been worked out and practiced.
It’s a habit to light up a cigarette with your coffee. It’s a habit to eat something sweet after a good meal. It's a habit to spend hours in front of the TV or the monitor with a box of candy or a pack of chips. And these habits do not telegraph a healthy lifestyle.
So if you want to change your lifestyle, start by changing your habits.
Get Some More Sleep
There is no vital body function that does not depend on sleep. Sleep gives the brain needed time to restructures the information acquired throughout the day. Skin regenerates. The body activates cleansing and healing processes. Sleep speeds up the synthesis of some hormones and slows down others, and they directly affect your metabolism. Therefore, more sleep means more health for the whole organism.
It takes about 7-8 hours for an adult. It's good to learn to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day as part of your biological rhythm.
Don’t Forget to Have Breakfast
If you eat breakfast for two to three weeks, it will soon become a necessity. The day should start with breakfast. It activates your metabolism, energizes you and reduces the desire for 1-2-3 wafers before lunch.
Eat More Home-Cooked Meals
Freshly prepared homemade food does not contain preservatives. You control the salt and sugar. Try to include more soups in your diet. Pair your dish with a salad. Instead of sweets containing refined ingredients, eat fresh or dried fruits, and nuts.
Eat at approximately the same time three to four times a day. So when your mealtime arrives, the digestive tract will be ready for work. Your metabolism will be active throughout the day, while nutrients from controlled portions of food will be harvested, leaving nothing to accumulate in your fat stores.
Add Exercise to Your Routine
You have to understand this rule in the context of your own physical condition. For some, this might mean a slightly more intense workout in the gym. For others, it’s for a half-hour walk or hot dancing at a club. Most likely, you already know why it’s essential to incorporate exercise and physical activity in your day-to-day life, but here’s one more nugget of knowledge:
It’s the activated, working muscles that trim and shape your figure, not weight you’ve lost. Given the same height and weight, an athletic woman looks fitter and has smaller measurements than a woman who’s not practising sports.
Muscles need higher energy support than fat. Training causes muscles to grow, so larger muscles will burn more calories even while at rest.
Do stretching exercises, walk, train early in the morning before breakfast. To provide muscles with energy, your body will burn from of its fat stores. After breakfast, your body will take advantage of the calories it has consumed.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
All biochemical reactions in the body are carried out in a liquid medium. Blood is the liquid that transports food and oxygen to tissues and cells. If you do not drink enough water, the salt balance is disturbed and your body feels threatened. This triggers mechanisms of fluid retention, so instead of throwing out the waste products together with the water, the body stores them. This water that’s accumulated in your tissues makes you puffy and increases your weight. Blood pressure fluctuates and if dehydration continues, the outcome can be fatal.
So drink clean water as much as you can, but about a liter and a half is judged to be most optimal.
Once you master these five habits, a healthy lifestyle won’t seem so tedious and strange anymore and you’ll have taken the first steps towards it.
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