Deprivation, diets, and just when you think you have balanced your nutrition - the scale keep showing the same. Glancing into the mirror, staring with disappointing look, because once again you do not see the change you want. Is all for nothing? What are you doing wrong and how to achieve your desired body goals? The answer is simple: it is time to change your approach. Forget about starvation and exhausting restrictions - lose weight by eating healthy! With just a few simple rules, you'll be able to take down those extra pounds and maintain a top form. Let's start with the basic principles:
Regular and frequent meals in small portions
Many people are mislead that starvation is a good way to control your weight. The truth is quite the opposite! Hunger leads to irritation, fatigue and unsatisfactory results. In the short run, it can help you to lose a pound or two. But after you stop starving, the pounds will inevitably return as a boomerang and you will once again be in the same starting position. Therefore, experts advise those who want to live healthy to eat regularly in small portions. Even three meals a day are insufficient to satisfy our nutritional needs.
Often, we overeat just to satisfy our needs and desires until the next meal, which leads to a slower metabolism, an exceedance of the caloric daily maximum and increased likelihood of fat to be stored in your body. To ensure that those negative results don’t affect you, the best way to secure it is by scheduling your meals 3 to 4 hours apart from one another. This will boost your energy and tonus, while your metabolism will speed up its functions. In addition, you will not experience frantic hunger and the risk of overeating will be minimized.
The correct combination of food types is the key
The key to being healthy and maintaining a great body lies in the right combination of products. How do we combine our food to work for our benefit?
Proteins (meat, eggs and dairy products)
The first and most common rule in combining this group of foods is that we must not combine it with starch carbohydrates in one meal (rice, bread, potatoes, spaghetti). The combination of these two groups leads to stuttering of digestion and the occurrence of heartburn. Secondly – the rule for the consumption of animal products reads as follows: Do not combine two different types of animal protein! For example, it is absolutely inappropriate to combine meat with milk, cheese or eggs.
Carbohydrates (rice, bread, potatoes, spaghetti )
Wholegrain foods are much easier to absorb by our digestive system, but should not be consumed with animal proteins (meat, eggs, cheese, milk).
The rule here is that fat (vegatable oils and animal fats) should not be combined with any animal protein. It is appropriate to combine them with carbohydrates and vegetables, but as far as protein is concerned, they should be taken either individually or at least in minimal quantities, in order not to interfere with the faster absorption of different food groups.
One of the greatest foes of any diet - white refined sugar. Its presence in the menu prevents the processing of almost all food types. If you want to keep an excellent shape, forget about the consumption of confectionery and sweet beverages. Many people consider the dessert to be mandatory, but this is a huge mistake because it prevents the rapid absorption of nutrients. If you can’t get rid of sweets, try to at least minimize the temptation and eat it separately from other meals.
When talking about the proper combination of foods, it is important to know that fruits should always be eaten individually, at least 30 minutes before or after a meal. The reason for that is hidden in the time that our body needs to process fruits. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants and are absorbed quickly by the body. In combination with other foods, sugars can ferment, slow down the process of digestion and increase the chance of heartburn.
It is a well-known fact that fruits are a powerful antioxidant and certainly have a number of health benefits, but you really have to be careful combining them with other food types. Eating different kinds of fruits separately is a good advice but most importantly don’t mix sweet and sour. The latter will negatively affect you by giving you a swollen belly and the formation of stomach acids.
They help in making the processing of other food types faster and they could be combined with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is not advisable to mix them with fruits.
Water, water, and water again
Water has a major role in achieving a healthy and beautiful body. It helps to detoxify the body and improve digestion. Interestingly, even one cup of water early in the morning is able to re-activate metabolism and purify the body from all accumulated toxins. It is advisable to drink water 30 minutes before each meal, or 1 hour after it, to help promote faster metabolism.
Experts recommend drinking water 1 hour before going to sleep, because at night the body loses some fluids and thus consuming water helps prevent it. The only inappropriate time to drink water is during meals because it adversely affects the natural levels of acids and bile juices needed by the stomach to bend the food properly. For people with sensitive stomachs is even more not recommended to drink cold water during meal as it not only slowing down digestion but also causes cramps.
The recommendation for daily intake is from 2 to 4 liters, so let the bottle of water be at your fingertips. In addition, as a great way to burn fat, experts advise to drink water with slices of lemon in it. The result: lower appetite levels, efficient detoxification, and body energy boost.
To summarize
The promiscuous combination of foods is not only a punishment for the stomach but leads to an increase in body weight and serious health consequences. To achieve the desired figure, you don’t have to undergo exhausting diets - you need to build a diverse, balanced diet that works for you. Combine the products properly and once you have created your eating habits, you will make sure that the path to your dream body is easy and fast to achieve.
Everyone has a different need for daily calories intake to feel and look good, so the best choice is an individual diet plan. Make a list of all your favorite foods and combine them correctly, versatile and balanced. If you still need guidance, our specialists are waiting to offer you a nutritional plan tailored to your taste preferences, habits and lifestyle. More information can be found here: https://healthy-lifestylefit.com/services
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