Nutritional Supplements – Are They Harmful?

Healthy Lifestyle 22.06.2018

Dietary supplements are formulas that combine bioactive substances that are vital for metabolism in the human body. Therefore, they should not be thought as harmful. But aside from its chemical composition, there are other criteria that determine the usefulness or harmfulness of a product. 

The Dose Makes the Poison 

It sounds quite clichéd, but it’s the dosage that is extremely important. If it is very low, the active ingredients in the supplement will not reach the required levels, and you won’t benefit from them. If you overdose, the excess of vitamins and minerals is no less dangerous than their deficiency. 

Do You Need Any Nutritional Supplements and What Exactly? 

This is a very important question, which only your doctor can answer – after any laboratory tests, if necessary. 

The more complex the product and the more ingredients it contains, the more important it is to coordinate your intake with a specialist. This is a must, if you suffer from any illness and take different medications. Sometimes, the substances in the supplement may interact with and magnify or suppress the medication. 

What Are Nutritional Supplements 

The quality of dietary supplements and their clear origin are very important. They are a sure bet that you’ll get what you expect. Best case scenario, fake products will simply not work. At worst, it may be that the substance in it is dangerous to your health. 

Nutritional supplements should be designed for you – for your general health, sex and age, for your lifestyle. So, if your biggest physical activity is walking from to your car and from it to the office, sports formulas are bit of an overkill. Sports formulas are designed for people who suffer intense physical and mental stresses. Therefore, the active substances are in high concentration. 

Natural Against Synthetic Supplements 

The chemical structure of synthetic vitamins copies the structure of natural fruits and vegetables. But as time moves on, it’s become quite clear there’s a fundamental difference between the two – both in how they work and how useful they are. It turns out that when light passes through the molecules of natural vitamins, it falls (bends) to the right. 

In synthetic supplements, the light beam bends to both to the right and to the left. Cells either do not recognize and interact with these substances, or use up a valuable resource to break down the synthetic vitamin and take only what they need. Whatever synthetic byproducts are not used are discarded, but can just as easily accumulate in the body and have to dangerous consequences. 

Contributing to the higher efficiency of natural ingredients is another fact. In the plants we eat, vitamins and minerals are always in a complex structure with many different bioactive substances. This makes them easier to digest and more useful. 

Synthetic supplements are always clean and therefore more difficult to absorb. If you can choose, it is best to set your preference to natural dietary supplements. 

Steroids and Anabolic Substances 

These are artificial hormones developed in the likeness of natural androgenic hormones (in this case, testosterone). They are designed to give strength, energy and power to athletes and allows them to quickly build up muscle mass. The problem is that their intake disrupts the innate hormonal balance in the body and causes it serious harm. 

Nutritional supplements can bring you unconditional benefits, but can also be very dangerous to your health. All depends on you. 

If you need help navigating the variety of products, call us!

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