10 Tips for Getting Back into Shape After the Holidays

Healthy Lifestyle 03.01.2019

Did you eat a little more and put up another kilogram during the holidays? Well, do not worry, if you follow our tips you will quickly lose weight and you will feel great! 👌

1. Do not blame yourself

We suppose the holidays for you are time to make up for missed conversations with family and friends. Also, time to eat your favourite foods. And there's nothing wrong with that! Everyone is allowed to relax and forget for a moment their routine life, including the sometimes difficult workouts. Just accept it, do not blame yourself and look forward!

2. Do not stop eating

After great overeating, you may think it is good to miss some of the meals. Yes but no! This will make you feel even more hungry, and it will make it even harder for you to eat healthily. If you happen to miss your dinner, eat breakfast with protein - eggs, yoghurt with fruits and berries, avocado, almonds and so on. So you will satisfy your appetite and you will not eat a lot during the day.

3. Start training

Well, this can not be avoided if your goal is to lose pounds. Now is the time to move. Training not only burns calories but also leads to a positive attitude that will help you follow your eating habits more easily.

4. Avoid white bread, pasta, salty and sweet temptations for a while

As much as you like white bread, pasta, and other white flour foods, you know that it is one of the reasons to gain even more weight and to be difficult to maintain a good shape. These foods contain so-called "bad carbohydrates" that are made from refined cereals. They contain a large amount of sugar and salt, so the body holds plenty of water. In addition, they make you feel hungry faster, have no nutritional value, and quickly raise blood sugar.

5. Set your exact and clear goals

Write down a specific goal and put it in a prominent place. If you just want to lose 3 pounds, your goal is not exactly defined. But if you say, "I want to lose 3 pounds by February 20," you already have a deadline to fill it. Save your meal plan and workouts to avoid any unhealthy deviations.

6. Eat more vegetables

Vegetables, in addition to containing a large number of vitamins and minerals, suppress appetite. This is because they are a source of fibre. Vegetables also help to regulate blood sugar, regular elimination (what the body has not mastered and discarded), as well as the flow of natural detox processes in the body.

7. Give the remaining food from the festive table to friends and relatives

After New Year and all other holidays, give away what's left of the festive table. If you want to lose weight, there should be no temptation around you. Replace harmful foods with healthy foods - such as Christmas fruit cookies.

8. Plan your workouts and meals

It is more difficult to tempt you when you have a preliminary plan for training and nutrition. Bring homemade food, fruit or a raw energy bar, for example, avoid buying fast food. If you know that after dinner you are likely to be hungry, prepare something small and useful to eat. Then just wash your teeth and shut the kitchen.

9. Drink more water

Strange as it sounds, often when you feel hunger you actually need water. In addition to making you feel slim, water helps you clean up your body.

10. Get loaded with patience

You may feel hunger while your body gets used to the new regime, which will make it even harder to keep it. That's why he does not lose patience. Your body will thank you!

Do our advice seem difficult to observe? Or do not you know where to start? You think you will not do it yourself, and you need someone to help you? Well, we have good news - we are back! We can create individual nutrition through our calculator, as well as a home exercise program or a fitness room in the form of video clips. We will be there along this difficult (especially early) road and with you, we will strive to achieve your goals! 🤜

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